Monday 25 April 2011


Another second year project…

A few pages of development in my sketchbook and some of my knit samples…this was a collection to be used for scarves, lots of ruffles, petal details, and laser cut fabric.


A few images from a second year project that was inspired by Ikebana, a Japanese flower arranging art form which focuses on emphasising the stem and leaves of the plant rather than the flowers. I was aiming to produce some knit fabrics with print detailing; suitable for use in interiors …I continued the theme by including some lotus flower origami embellishments made from squares of Fair Isle knitting.

Monday 4 April 2011

First Year Work

As I'm new to this and its usually best to start from the beginning...

I was very excited to recieve a commendation in Bradford Textiles competition with my first knit module samples.

A selection of Print, Weave and knit.

Second module of weave, an accessories project inspired by Samurai Armour...a couple of samples and my little clutch bag.

Second module of print, A Project inspired by Aesop's Fables.